Mountain Velež

Velež (the highest peak, Botin, 1,969 m above sea level), the highest mountain in the Municipality. It is assumed that it was named after the Old Slavic god Veles. It stretches in a northwest-southeast direction for about 30 km. The north-eastern side of the mountain is extremely attractive and constitutes the longest rock barrier in the Balkans. Their length is 13 km, and in the highest part they are 420 meters high. It is particularly attractive for alpinists and 62 different routes have been climbed on it.

On Veleža, there are still traces of glaciation, lush vegetation, a glacial lake, and a large number of underground karst formations (caves and pits). This mountain is also a very rich hunting ground, with all kinds of big game of this climate (bear, wolf, fox, roe deer, wild boar and very rare chamois).

Планина Вележ